Unit 3 Last Tutorial Feedback

It is hard to accept this was the last tutorial.

David answered many questions for me and helped to clear my mind as always. In particular, he patiently gave me many examples of how to do intervention and evaluation which were a huge help.

  • Main Slogan

The theme I chose for my campaign was “Self Cheers”.

After seeing my poster, David suggested “YOUR BODY YOUR RULES” is more powerful and fits my topic.

I think it makes sense that I’m focusing on underwear ads rather than feminist or spiritual empathy.

  • Body Images

David points out that bringing Neiwai’s model range more inclusive is the key.

Through previous research, I have known the shortcomings of Neiwai’s advertisements is that the bodies they shoot are too conservative.

The changes I need to make should not only include my original posters, but also the models’ pictures.

  • How to make intervention

Since I have no idea about how to intervention, David patiently demonstrated how to ask stakeholders if it was him.

First, he will show Neiwai’s project image (A) and my campaign (B) to stakeholders at the same time.

Then ask them these questions:

Rate each image ( from 1 to 10 )

Would you prefer A or B?

Which picture do you like best? Why?

Which set of pictures will stimulate your desire to buy them ? why?

If you don’t like it/them, why?

Do they embarrass you even don’t want to see them?

These questions gave me a lot of inspiration.

Last but not least, David suggested that I should ask more questions about commerical when I was interviewing.

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