Unit 2 Interview styling expert

Q: Are there any brands you’ve worked with that have taken body-shaming seriously and are making a positive impact?

In what ways do they show respect for physical freedom? Like the choice of different sizes of models.

A: There has been a previous film to help Gap. the brand has found several dancer, including fat girls who are fleshy, as well as thin girls with relative stature (under the current aesthetic trend). Brands tell everyone that their bodies are unique and beautiful through the same tight jeans worn by girls of different shapes.

I’ve also seen female models replaced because their breasts are too big, their hips are too wide, their waists are too thick, their necks are too short, and so on.

Q: Do you think girls with non-standard body shapes have positive or negative effects on the presentation of clothes in your fashion styling perspective?

A: There are pros and cons. The clothing display this problem feeling should be from the source (designer) part of the thinking. Influence also comes from designers, to see what kind of effect they want to show.

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