Unit 3 Evaluation Feedbacks of Survey

Basic information of respondents

After receiving the results, I realized that there was a problem in the question set. I should not ask the respondents to choose the age range, but let them directly fill in the age to get a more accurate answer. So I asked them one by one and got their average age is 24.

Body confidence

The average of body confidence is 5.43, Only three respondents chose 7, and one even chose 2.

It can be seen that most of the interviewees used negative words when describing their bodies.

Body acceptance is lower than Body confidence, at 3.57. It is mainly external influences from society.

Alter photos

Almost all respondents are accustomed to using Photoshop and other software to beautify their images and make them look better.

Influenced by commercial advertisements

Through further research, it is found that their standard of female ideal beauty is 67.1 percent influenced by commercial advertisements. The present findings confirm that commercial influences are relatively high in the homogenous representation of beauty in China.

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