Unit 2 Reflection For BM Style

BM style” is the most controversial fashion style now in China.

Idol and KOL are the main carriers of the “BM style” trend.

To a certain extent, they also represent the standards of beauty in the eyes of the Asian public, that is, “pale, young and thin“.

Social media like Tiktok and Little Red Book are more of a boost to the consumer trap.

“BM Girls’ Ideal Weight Chart” has gone viral on Little Red Book

I found this much-discussed note in the Little Red Book, and found that the comments below were largely opposed to such aesthetic notions.

“Please don’t build this absolute weight loss for the sake of unusual aesthetic beauty.” It has nearly 20,000 thumbs.

BMI Chart for Adults (Men & Women)

“One size fits more” lets the normal shape of the girl towards anxiety.

Thin girls have sense of superiority just because they can wear it, however, the girls can not wear will be hard on themselves, weight loss blindly.

On the little Red book, the hot topics come up with BM style are “21 days diet”, “loss 10 kg weight in a week”… The propaganda of these totally unscientific ways of losing weight encourages many girls just for put down a dress and endanger their health in extreme ways.

We don’t need a single type of clothing to prove our beauty and value.

What is abnormal is not clothes, but people’s mentality

With the change of times, the body standards of women in western and Chinese societies are always changing, and they are all under the perspective of men (Kings).

Yang Guifei in the Tang Dynasty as the standard of plump beauty, but women in the Northern Song dynasty were forced to “three inch lotus”.

During the Renaissance, aristocratic women in western countries were forced to wear corsets because of court prohibitions.

“A4 waist”, “bird legs”, and even today we still objectify women in a fixed pattern.

Beauty is not a mathematical problem with no standard answer.

Everyone’s aesthetic is affected by different things and will always change. The important thing is that we keep moving forward and fighting for our own freedom.

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