03 Primary and Secondary research

My first step is look at my trash, and understand what it is, then I found I have 3 main sources of trash:

1.Food packaging

Every single thing in fridge was packaged in plastic.

2.Product packaging

Most goods are wrapped in plastic, such as toothpaste, cosmetics, skin care products and so on.

3.Clothing waste

Every season because of the fashion trend to buy new clothes, many old clothes can still be worn out.

Then I made a questionnaire and interviewed 30 young people in between 20 and 30 years old about what is their main waste sources, got almost the same results.

I find it is interesting, because most people have been able to use shopping bags instead of disposable plastic bags, water bottles instead of disposable water bottles, garbage classification to protect the environment, but ignore the fact that we also produce a lot of plastic waste in daily life.

Through this research, I realized I should do something to change people’s lifestyles that letting people live more sustainably rather than design a new product to generate new resource consumption.

Along the way, I found a big concept named “zero waste” online, some people and companies have made some efforts in this regard.

Like a UK shop named Zéro offers a simple alternative to excessive single-use packaging consumption with a wide range of ready-to-go bulk items. 

I also found an NGO called ZERO WASTE EUROPE which work on a wide range of projects and policy areas with the single objective of advancing the zero waste future for Europe. This holistic approach enables us to effectively influence European policy and the grass-roots implementation of zero waste projects.

I sent an email to the office to apply for the design related volunteers, hoping to carry out some cooperation. No reply has been received yet due to corona situation.

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