01 The Change I Want To See

At first, I wanted to make some changes that would have a real positive impact on life, which made me decide to focus on global warming.

This is because I have seen some news recently about Antarctic temperature rises above 20C for first time on record which leads to huge ecological problems .

Such as the walrus scaling steep cliffs, then falling to their death:

Weird ‘watermelon snow’ pics show Antarctic turning red:

Human always ignore the impact of their own behavior and think that it is not a big deal, things like drive their private cars once more or disposable plastic waste.

I haven’t done much research yet, but I have a preliminary idea like repackage a product that causes global warming. People will aware of the specific dangers of not properly handling products when they use it.

Then I want to link packaging to specific changes which is a kind of warning like picture on a cigarette pack about lung cancer.

The biggest risk I faced is to find a way to present it, I wanted to do it a little bit more artistically.